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These teachings answer questions on The realm of the spirit, the gate of heaven, God’s place in the earth, supernatural activities, and many other questions that have clouded the minds of believers. An Expose into the dealings of God among men, a journey through the scriptures with emphasis on the supernatural ministry that characterizes... See more

Shepherd of Israel

The preaching of the Gospel is how God separates His portion of the earth. From Eden, down to Abraham, Noah and Moses,.... See more

Counting the cost

A profound exposition into the life of a minister or servant of the Gospel, the many sacrifices He has to make, and his perception of the work committed into his hands. An evergreen counsel for the one who seeks to serve the Lord amidst the endless challenges that the world throws at him.There is a cost to count in following the Lord, and this teaching is a head start, on a lifetime... See more

What to live for

Amidst the hustle-bustle of a never relenting world, the ever-piling needs and legitimate desires, the believer has to perpetually make the decision of what to prioritize. Many in a bid to make ends meet have lost sight of what truly matters. Hence, the need to constantly remind the man who has believed of his primary... See more

God Cares

The revelation of God, His nature and disposition through the scriptures, beginning from Moses, to the Prophets, Jesus, and the Apostles. ‘God Cares’ is a defense of the person of Father God as seen in the face of His Son Jesus. The assumption that God is in fact responsible for the many woes that befall mankind has done more harm and no good to the human mind and his perception of... See more

Dynamics of prayer

Every man who desires to have a wholesome Christian experience must come to understand the place of Prayer, its essence, and unfailing prowess. ‘Dynamics of Prayer’ is a tool to correct the misconceptions on prayer, a charge to rekindle the embers that have burned out as... See more

Doctrine of Sin

Sin; the universal problem of man that has managed to escape the scope of intellectuals. The subject of sin has been given various appellations by different schools of thought. This didactic study sheds light on the origin, effects, consequences, and punishments that... See more

As we are taught

A detailed teaching on how a believer should receive God’s word, the importance of being taught, and the fruits that should proceed as a result of paying attention to God’s word. ‘As we are taught’ is an instructive guide aimed at helping the believer to prepare his heart to properly receive the riches in God’s word, to the end that he is able to give a defense of... See more

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