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Shepherd of Israel


The preaching of the Gospel is how God separates His portion of the earth. From Eden, down to Abraham, Noah and Moses, Father God has been in the business of gathering the harvest to Himself. This He has done through different men, beginning from Moses. The True Shepherd employing men in His work of shepherding, His heart fully revealed in Jesus, in whom we see compassion and grace for the distressed sheep.

‘Pray ye therefore the Lord of harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest’. The call for more laborers for the harvest of the earth. The work of the in-gathering, the shepherding duty of God, God’s Pasture, His harvest, all explicitly taught from the scriptures. This teaching presents Father God, the true shepherd who has always shown His interest in man, Our Shepherd who would carry the sheep in His embrace.

You will find man, a subject of God's loyalty and affection, who now bears the responsibility to shepherd God's people. An intense study into the sheep-shepherd relationship, the multi-faceted role of a shepherd, yet summarized as One.

Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 1
Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 2
Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 3
Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 4
Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 5
Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 6
Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 7
Shepherd of Israel (Katartismos Congress 2022) Track 8